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Residential Waterproofing

At BBS Waterproofing we offer solutions from small foundation leaks and cracks to your most serious basement waterproofing and drainage problems. Our professional staff will identify the root cause of your water leak and recommend reliable, cost-effective repair solutions. Accurate diagnosis is critical to successfully resolving your water problems. All of our waterproofing systems are backed by a comprehensive ten year transferable warranty.
Basement Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing

Water infiltration can be caused by poor soil drainage, improper grading, cracking in the foundation wall, unsealed tie holes and dysfunctional window wells. Surface water that is improperly drained away from the perimeter of your foundation wall can seep into the soil and enter your basement through cracks or at the bottom of the foundation wall.


Each waterproofing scenario differs and must be individually examined to diagnose a proper repair strategy. BBS Waterproofing offers solutions to everything from small leaks and cracks to your most serious water-proofing and drainage problems.

Internal Foundation Repair

Internal Foundation Repair

To fix a crack correctly from the inside, plastic ports are inserted on the wall to inject epoxy filler. An epoxy bonder seals the crack from the inside. Epoxy filler then provides the final layer.


Crack Repair Procedure

1. Plastic tees used as ports to inject epoxy filler from delivery gun.

2. Epoxy bonder used to fasten plastic tees to wall and seal crack from the inside of the wall.

3. Epoxy filler seals the foundation crack by injection through an epoxy gun.

Interior Drainage System

Interior Drainage System

To solve your problems, an air gap membrane is applied to the area and an efficient sump pit and pump installed. The floor is removed and correct water drainage system is put in place. If needed, holes are drilled in the bottom course of the walls to relieve any pore water pressure.

Drainage System Procedure

1. Air-Gap membrane extending from ground height to top of footing mechanically fastened to wall.

2. Existing or new sump pump to collect water from drain tile.

3. Concrete floor to be removed and replaced after required drainage is installed.

4. Fabric wrapped drainage stone around drain tile.

5. Drain tile at footing level to remove water from around foundation to sump pump.

6. Concrete block walls only- holes drilled in bottom course of block to relieve any pore water pressure.

External Waterproofng Repairs

External Waterproofing Repairs

When looking at an exterior foundation repair, BBS Waterproofing applies triple protection. First a layer of waterproofing membrane is adhered over the crack in the foundation and all edges are sealed with a mastic compound. Secondly, an air gap membrane is fastened to the foundation wall. And third, another layer of mastic compound is applied to all edges of the air gap membrane to ensure a solid, final protection so that no water can enter the crack. This is your most optimal solution from stopping water leaks.


External Waterproofing Procedure

1. Air Gap membrane extending from ground height  to top of footing mechanically fastened to wall and sealed with caulking.

2. Existing drain tile to be inspected to ensure it is functional.

3. Drainage stone.

4. Self adhered waterproofing membrane installed over the crack and edges sealed with flexible sealing compound.

5. Mastic compound spread over the foundation crack.

6. Termination strips to seal Air Gap membrane.

Window Well Installation

Window Well Installation

To avoid runoff from window openings into your basement, BBS Waterproofing will install a window well and drainage system that draws water away from the window to a drain at the bottom of the foundation. An air gap membrane further protects the foundation and provides a sound solution to your basement repair.

Window Well Drainage Procedure

1. Galvanized window well.

2. Riser filled with stone allows water to drain from the window well to drain tile at the bottom of foundation.

3. Drain tile at footing level to remove water from around the foundation.

4. Air-Gap membrane mechanically fastened to foundation wall and caulked.

5. Filter fabric around drainage stone and drain tile.

6. Native soil backfill material.

Sump Pump Installation

Sump Pump Installation

A sump pump installation removes standing water from the sump basin in a basement or crawlspace. When the water reaches a certain level, the sump pump turns on and removes the water through a discharge pipe.

Installing a sump pump is fairly easy and can be completed using simple household tools in about 30 minutes.


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